So there is clearly a need for global leadership. But when the public look at what is on offer, they are not impressed. Many of the bankers and politicians caught dozing by the financial crisis were regulars at Davos. Ordinary folk trust Davos Man no more than they would a lobbyist for the Worldwide Federation of Weasels. A survey by Edelman, a public-relations firm, finds that only 18% of people trust business leaders to tell the truth. For political leaders, the figure is 13%.

This really made me think… I let my mind wander free, just waiting for something to come. Suddenly I saw myself as an explorer of ancient pyramids, and that made a lot of sense to me.

‘Why a pyramid explorer?’ they asked.

‘Because when you know where to look, you can find treasures inside places where
nobody has been before. I see people like temples, with hidden treasures just waiting to be brought out!’

IT is well known that when like-minded people get together, they tend to end up thinking a more extreme version of what they thought before they started to talk. The same kind of echo-chamber effect can happen as people get news from various media. Liberals viewing MSNBC or reading left-of-center blogs may well end up embracing liberal talking points even more firmly; conservative fans of Fox News may well react in similar fashion on the right.

Tatjana: A lot of people want to achieve success in life and in business and generally in the beginning they don’t know how? Somehow they start the business, they have certain success but they get stuck somewhere. On the other hand, they start having certain discipline, and become better people and start having a better communication with their business partners because they see that this is needed. And because they hear about it or they have a family custom, they practice some type of spirituality. But it seems like there is no connection between their business life and their spiritual life. So is there a connection between business and spirituality?

Many organisations are investing in training fail to get the most from their investment. Staff are sent on courses without being sufficiently clear about why they are attending the course. Staff attend courses without setting clear learning objectives for the course. They come back from a course and are not debriefed and set longer term learning goals. Here are some ideas for getting the most from your investment in training.

Clarity might help you achieve success and happiness.

Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor.

That’s why we say that “Success is goals, and all else is commentary.”

People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.