Nestled deep in the majestic Himalayas lies a valley, a place so ethereal and idyllic, that it can only be compared to the fabled utopia of Shangri-La, depicted in James Hilton’s renowned 1933 novel ‘Lost Horizon’. The Hunza Valley, shrouded in mystery, is a place where reality and fiction converge, where one can truly discover a land that has been whispered about in the annals of myth and legend. A place where time stands still and the inhabitants live in harmony with nature, free from the ravages of age and disease. Welcome to the land of eternal youth and serenity, where the impossible becomes possible and dreams are made reality – Welcome to Hunza Valley, the real Shangri-La.
Category: Stories are MORE!
Turns out the gopis were right in complaining to Lord Brahma. Of our waking hours, because of blinking, […]
shangchang ru shachang, the marketplace is like a battlefield all warfare is based on deception. For the purpose […]
In the 1800s, Karl Marx described money as the “universal agent of separation” – an enchanting elixir, which […]
In order to be successful, we need two things: intelligence and sincerity. Intelligence is needed to understand what […]
Most people wait for something extremely bad to happen in order to do something to get out of a rut. Successful people are proactive and act in advance – to prevent problems and create results.