Conscious Business is about people who are aware of the impact each of their habits and actions has on their environment (people and planet). It is about people who live their lives based on the knowingness that everything is interconnected. It is about people, who know who they are:

* who know about their strengths and weaknesses and
* who desire to live and work with joy, creativity and ease instead of fear, power and domination

The temptations to be autocratic, to take benefits of leadership for granted, or to become bored or depressed are just a few of the hazards of leadership. There are of course many others. By maintaining a strong connection with divine guidance, and by determined practice, leaders can refuse to give them power and eventually overcome them.

Want to change your field of work, doing something else or living somewhere else. Now is time to do more than dream. Even if you are not ready to make the change, is time to begin planning now. Don’t wait until you are out of work.

Whether a career change is by choice or is by circumstance, a successful switch depends on some steps.

Do we sometimes examine our motives? Do we really wish that people succeed? Are we afraid for our position or reputation? One should be glad that people are coming forward to take up responsibility. He should encourage and coach. He should be genuinely happy when the someone is successful and is developing as a caring leader, or a responsible person. We should see people around us as partners and not look down upon them.

Spirituality, however, is more an individual matter; it does not rely on an external organization. Rather, spirituality is an experience of depth in life, it is living life with heart rather than just superficially. For some, spirituality involves a belief in a God. For others, it takes different forms. But in any case, spirituality is an experience that there is something more to life than just our narrow, ego-oriented view of it.

People who have developed the spiritual side of their life typically have a quality of lightness, appreciation and humor. They bring a sense of “all-rightness” and optimism to life, even in the face of problems. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They are fully alive, and they radiate this aliveness to others.

Leader should be careful not to kill the spirit of enthusiastic service, which is individual and spontaneous and voluntary. Leader should try to always generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the people, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it. That is the art of management: to draw out spontaneous loving spirit of sacrificing some energy for a Higher goal. All of us should become expert managers.

Servant Leaders are leaders who have taken up the responsibility to personally take care of a group of serious candidates for the advancement in devotional service. They are leaders-servants, the concept that is becoming more and more prominent in business sector today. They are facilitators. They recognize talents and potential of the devotees and help them express and engage them. They are friendly and unselfish. They like to see others advance. They like to assist others in becoming servant leaders.

Leaders should never consider themselves as proprietors of those in their charge. Ownership implies that we have a right to do with our property as we will, and it can serve as justification for all kinds of exploitation and abuse. But if we view ourselves as caretakers, coordinators, catalysts or carriers of the vision, and if we treat others in loving, supportive ways, we will not engage in such exploitation.

For only when a ruler has learned to listen closely to the people’s hearts, hearing their feelings uncommunicated, pains unexpressed, and complaints not spoken of, can he hope to inspire confidence in his people, understand when something is wrong, and meet the true needs of his citizens. The demise of states comes when leaders listen only to superficial words and not penetrate deeply into the souls of the people to hear their true opinions, feelings and desires.”