Here are some tips and tricks to help you re-program yourself. Start implementing as many of these tips and tricks as you can. Make them every day parts of your life. Let them in your life daily as much as you can, and watch how your body changes. With each change, comes even more motivation, more commitment, more promise.
1. Drink more water.
Your body is 75% water. What does that tell you? Why force your body to find the water in the foods you eat when all you have to do is drink more of it every day. Water supplies even more oxygen to your body. It speeds up your metabolism, and is a natural hunger suppressant.
2. Become a vegetarian!
With all the choices we have these days, this is an easy task. Make it the same day every week and start looking forward to it and plan for it as well. Try to eat more vegetables and fruits one day a week, believe me you will feel the difference in days. Your body needs some time out to restart itself from the heavy meals we have every day.
3. Fruits are best.
As you consume all the garbage food in your pantry and refrigerator, replace them with healthy alternatives. When the cookies are gone, buy some fruit. Instead of ice cream, try nonfat yogurt. You get the idea.
4. Go for a walk at least 1 time a week.
Try to run errands by foot instead of using the car. Try to work the walk up to at least 45 minutes at a time. Don’t know where to walk? Who cares? Get out and see your world with a new perspective. Walking will do this for you. Walk for 22.5 minutes, then turn around and head back to where you started. Keep it simple. Add to your time as you increase your endurance.
5. Ride a bike.
You’d be surprised how easy it is to still ride a bicycle. Again, try to run your errands on your bike. Try a mountain bike. You can ride these in parks and trails as well as on the street.
6. Take the stairs.
So it’ll take you a couple of extra minutes to take the stairs instead of the elevator. But check it out, you’re getting to where you want to go and getting some exercise as well.
7. Learn more about health, fitness, and nutrition.
Read articles while standing in line at the supermarket. Check your newspaper. Watch television programs. The more you learn, the harder it will be for you to stick to your bad habits.
8. Eat with less calories.
If you must eat fast food hamburgers, ask for extra lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, and onions. Try eating 2 small regular hamburgers instead of a double sized burger. Often you’ll be eating fewer calories and fat, but be just as satisfied.
9. Fry with no oil.
Try frying with small quantities of beef and chicken broth instead of oil. Use a low to medium heat for cooking. Add up each gram of fat you’ll save by not adding oil every time you cook, and you will literally cut out thousands of grams of fat out of your body per year!
10. Make sandwiches without meat.
That’s right. Pile on the mustard, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, bean and alfalfa sprouts. Use only whole grain, unbleached flour breads. After a few sandwiches, you’ll forget about the meat.
11. Soup rocks.
Have soup as an appetizer before dinner. Hot soup is a great appetite suppressant. It fills you up thus, increasing your metabolism.
12. Add beans to your meals.
Dried beans such as kidney, pinto, and black beans add lots of protein to your diet. Like oatmeal, your body draws energy slowly from the consumption of beans. They fill you up fast as well. They keep you from getting hungry for longer periods of time.
13. Prepare your snacks ahead of time.
Have them ready when you need them. Not only will this save you money, but it’ll keep you from hitting the fast food as well. Try snacking on carrots, celery, pretzels, air-popped popcorn, wholegrain crackers and wafers, apples, oranges, peaches, grapes, etc. Purchase them ahead of time so they’re there when you need them.
14. Read the labels.
With all the information manufacturers provide us these days on the labels of their products, you’d think everyone would be reading them, not true. Read the label. Compare one brand to another. You’d be surprised at how they can differ. You really don’t compromise taste as much as you’d think either.
15. Olive oil.
Use olive oil for cooking instead of other oils. It’s better for your heart, cholesterol, and arteries. For garlic bread, try olive oil and freshly pressed garlic on sourdough bread instead of butter or margarine on French bread.
16. Go easy on yourself!
If you make a mistake here and there, don’t worry about it. Life goes on! It’s not the end of the world. Learn a lesson from each mistake!
Try to add at least one of these tips and tricks to your lifestyle each week. Take it slow. Don’t try to change everything in one day, one week, or one month. Trying to do that is just like begging for failure. Visualize yourself implementing these tips and tricks. See yourself investigating healthier ways of life. Visualize yourself walking, running, hiking, and bicycling. See yourself re-vitalized. This is another form of positive affirmation. Another way to deprogram yourself of your bad habits and re-program yourself into picking up some great ones!