Many organisations are investing in training fail to get the most from their investment. Staff are sent on courses without being sufficiently clear about why they are attending the course. Staff attend courses without setting clear learning objectives for the course. They come back from a course and are not debriefed and set longer term learning goals. Here are some ideas for getting the most from your investment in training.

Clarity might help you achieve success and happiness.

Lack of clarity is probably more responsible for frustration and underachievement than any other single factor.

That’s why we say that “Success is goals, and all else is commentary.”

People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.

His Holiness summarised how Rama’s primary focus was to deal with every situation morally and with integrity. Trials, tribulation and pain give birth to the greatest of opportunities. Through a mother’s pain of labour children are birthed. Despite witnessing 2000 years of history, Redwood trees in California stand strong through stable roots. His Holiness described religious revelations manifesting through trials commenting in particular how in the Jewish tradition the sacrifices of the sons of Abraham gave rise to the Ten Commandments. Through the crucifixion, the resurrection of Christ gives hope to his followers.

3. If you won a million dollars cash, tax free, tomorrow, what changes in your life would you make immediately?

4. What do you really love to do? What gives you the greatest feelings of value, importance and satisfaction?

5. If you could wave a magic wand over your life and have anything you wanted, what would you wish for?

6. What would you do, how would you spend your time, if you only had six months left to live?

7. What would you really want to do with your life, especially if you had no limitations?

That evening I understood the true purport of yet another statement from the Bhagavata Purana which states that envy is nothing but appreciation that is corrupted by a strong obsession to exclusively possess what we value. Envy results from a deep-seated desire to be the lord and master of all that we survey. It is the strongest weapon of the ego in its relentless pursuit for self-aggrandizement.

The term “inquiring leader” refers to leaders at any level who are self-aware, curious, solution-oriented, and value asking questions as a core leadership skill. In general, the model and concept of inquiring leadership is meant to complement, supplement, enrich, and operationalize effective leadership thinking and behavior that lead to desired results.