Most Conscious Businesses subscribe to a Triple Bottom Line model of success for their business endeavor. They aim to provide positive value in the domain of People, Planet, and Profit.[pullquote]Frequently, a Conscious Business will donate employee paid time, money, or products towards various non-profit organizations. Sometimes a Conscious Business will create a Foundation, which works with one particular cause[/pullquote]
A Conscious Business seeks to benefit both the external livelihood as well as the internal lives of its shareholders and employees. Furthermore, the Business seeks to benefit all stakeholders including manufacturers, affected communities, and humanity at large. Some trends in Conscious Business which have arisen out of these efforts include:
- The forming of wellness affirming workplace cultures
- Improved Employee benefit programs
- Use of Fair Trade materials for manufacture or sale
- Assistance to communities who supply raw materials
- Assistance to communities who manufacture materials
- Local Community outreach programs
A Conscious Business will seek to minimize its impact on the environment, and replenish the environment where it is able. Conscious Businesses may choose to benefit the environment in many different ways, some trends include:
- Robust Recycling programs
- Building “Green” or “Zero-impact” workplace facilities
- Using solar or wind energy in the workplace
- Purchasing materials from organic or sustainable farmers
- Purchasing renewable and sustainable materials
- Working with environmentally conscious distributors
- Urging manufacturers and distributors to adopt better environmental practices
- Adopting sustainable product packaging
Above and Beyond
Many Conscious Businesses choose to use their resources to benefit social and environmental programs that are not directly related to the creation or distribution of the product or service. Frequently, a Conscious Business will donate employee paid time, money, or products towards various non-profit organizations. Sometimes a Conscious Business will create a Foundation, which works with one particular cause. Also, some Conscious Businesses will become involved with social or political campaigns to protect the environment, animals, or people. Conscious Businesses will sometimes use significant amounts of their profit towards these causes. Furthermore, a Conscious Business will sometimes work closely with suppliers in either a farming or manufacturing community in a developing country, and help to develop the community economically and replenish it environmentally.