Understanding the long term trends impacting an organisation is one of the keys to reducing uncertainty and helping create robust strategies and resilient organisations. Strategic foresight helps organisations improve the quality of strategic thinking and brings new insights into the planning and budgeting process. Strategic foresight also helps organisations maintain awareness of the trends that have longer term impacts, monitor indicators of the directions of these trends, and focus initiatives on the long range opportunities.
Tag: work
3. Practice tight time planning. Imagine that you only had half the time available to get the job done and work with a sense of urgency all day long.
Too much Stress? Stress occurs in most working situations, but the often-conflicting demands of work and personal life can be a major source of stress, worry, and anxiety, both at work and at home. Finding a healthy balance between the two can reduce stress and increase productive energy in all aspects of your life.
One problem we all have is that we don’t like to work (usually). Whenever a chance to stop working comes a long we usually lunge at it. Like when a friend comes in to your office to exchange some words, we are glad to put everything away and talk a little, often we will join them to the coffee machine and talk some more, before you know it you have lost 30 minutes of your work day.
Spirituality, however, is more an individual matter; it does not rely on an external organization. Rather, spirituality is an experience of depth in life, it is living life with heart rather than just superficially. For some, spirituality involves a belief in a God. For others, it takes different forms. But in any case, spirituality is an experience that there is something more to life than just our narrow, ego-oriented view of it.
People who have developed the spiritual side of their life typically have a quality of lightness, appreciation and humor. They bring a sense of “all-rightness” and optimism to life, even in the face of problems. They don’t take themselves too seriously. They are fully alive, and they radiate this aliveness to others.