Too much Stress? Stress occurs in most working situations, but the often-conflicting demands of work and personal life can be a major source of stress, worry, and anxiety, both at work and at home. Finding a healthy balance between the two can reduce stress and increase productive energy in all aspects of your life.
Tag: help
Do we sometimes examine our motives? Do we really wish that people succeed? Are we afraid for our position or reputation? One should be glad that people are coming forward to take up responsibility. He should encourage and coach. He should be genuinely happy when the someone is successful and is developing as a caring leader, or a responsible person. We should see people around us as partners and not look down upon them.
Leaders should never consider themselves as proprietors of those in their charge. Ownership implies that we have a right to do with our property as we will, and it can serve as justification for all kinds of exploitation and abuse. But if we view ourselves as caretakers, coordinators, catalysts or carriers of the vision, and if we treat others in loving, supportive ways, we will not engage in such exploitation.