- Do the one thing that you aren’t doing now, but if you did do it well and regularly, would have the greatest impact in your life.
- The 80/20 rule. 80% of the most important things to do in life are on the top 20% of your prioritized list. Therefore, put “First things First.”
- Life has “speed bumps”—slow down, deal with the inevitable problems, and go on
- Who said life was suppose to be “fair”?
- Ask yourself: “Is this going to be important to me one year from now?”
- Remember, in 80 years from now, practically no humans here will have the same body they have now
- Practice seeing the innocence behind other’s activities. Be careful in be judgmental, especially in questioning another devotees motives.
- Watch the mind. We careful of the “snowballing effect”—the mind going from one worry to another. Especially as the mind keeps going, “What if…”.
- Separate “toxic” worry from “natural” worry.
- Make proper use of technology. Turn the phone off during prasadam (meal time). Don’t do e-mails too early in the morning.
- Consider using “Block Time”. Do all meetings at one time, phone calls, rounds, etc.
- Deal with Procrastination: Get started on big projects or things you don’t like to do by doing just a little bit. Even tell yourself you’ll just do five minutes of work on that thing.
- Remember, often the greatest enemy of “great” is “good”. Learn to say “no” when it will interfere with a greater “yes” in the service of Krishna (God).
- Find balance in your life. It is one of our greatest challenges.